


CELM understands various types of coaching service and customizes the contents and services based on your goals and purposes. We can provide the professional coaching service best fitted for the target from the wide local network.

Executive Coaching

2 coaching sessions after assessment
Personal coaching 1-2 hours x 6 sessions
Executive management style improvements, or support for leadership behavior to drive transformation

Strategy coaching

Group coaching (5 hours x 2 sessions)
Personal coaching (2-3 hours x 3 sessions)
Strategy coaching to support strategy and decision making. Handled by a strategy consultant

Communication coaching (IR support)

2-3 hours x 6 sessions + α
Skill support and practical training for vision building, presentation, IR communication, etc.

Finance coaching

After assessment, pre-coaching x 2 sessions
Personal coaching 1-2 hours x 6 sessions
Finance coaching ranging from executive training in financial knowledge to a grasp of points of contention in fiscal policy. Specialization in finance to establish a “CEO who understands finance”.

The Coaching Process (example)

This plan consists of eight program items through steps 1 to 3. We provide one-on-one coaching, tailored to individual needs.

Step 1 Setup sessions

Step 1 Setup sessions Step 1 Setup sessions

Step 2 Coaching sessions

Step 2 Coaching sessions Step 2 Coaching sessions

Step 3 Finishing Session

Step 3 Finishing Session Step 3 Finishing Session

Activated Your Protential
