The CELM Group has drawn up its Privacy Policy based on the following Personal Information Protection Guidelines. We will strive to familiarize all of our directors, officers and employees with this Policy, and to protect personal information.
Matters concerning the privacy of registered personal information are detailed in the "Privacy Protection Pledge" set forth below.

Personal Information Protection Guidelines

The companies of the CELM Group (hereinafter "CELM") will strive to protect personal information appropriately, under the following guidelines.

1. Formulation and continuous improvement of regulations concerning personal information
Considering the importance of protecting the personal information of its employees, CELM will formulate regulations concerning the protection of personal information, thus ensuring the proper use and protection of personal information, and will strive to improve the same on a continuous basis.

2. Implementation of safety measures
CELM will implement safety measures to ensure the accuracy and safety of personal information, and will strive to prevent unauthorized access to personal data, or the loss, damage, corruption or leakage of personal information.

3. Collection, use and provision of personal information

  • CELM will collect personal information using fair and legal means.
  • When CELM collects personal information, it will specify the purpose of use and will only use said information within the scope of that purpose.

4. Prohibition of provision/disclosure of personal information to a third party

  • CELM will appropriately manage entrusted personal information and will not disclose such personal information to a third part except in cases falling under any of the following items.
  • When CELM receives customer’s consent,and when CELM makes a written agreement under which CELM would abide by personal information protection standard and discloses personal information to a relevant party to which CELM entrusts services, in order to provide services requested by the customer.
  • When requested by public authorities such as a court of law, the police, or other organization with equivalent authority to these, based on laws and regulations.
  • When otherwise provided by laws and regulations.
  • When consent is hard to obtain from a customer and when the customer or a third party needs their life, body, assets or honors protected.
  • When consent is hard to obtain from a customer and when CELM needs its rights, assets or services protected or defended from the violation of laws, regulations, terms of our services or precautions.

5. Compliance with laws and regulations concerning the protection of personal information
When handling personal information, CELM will comply with all laws, regulations, and guidelines concerning the protection of personal information.

Privacy Protection Pledge

CELM will not publicly disclose or submit personal information to outside parties.
No personal information given when registering on this site will be publicly disclosed or provided to outside parties. When receiving requests from outside parties for the public disclosure or provision of personal information, CELM will refuse all such requests, thereby protecting the privacy of those registering personal information.
However, information provided by customers may be used, under appropriate management inside the company, in the following cases only.

  • As data for statistical use.
  • When CELM has judged that the registration of said personal information violates the interests of a third party, CELM may notify the content of the member's registration to said third party, the police or the relevant authority.
  • When disclosure of the content of registered personal information is requested by a court of law, the public prosecutor's office, the police, a bar association, a consumer center or other organization with equivalent authority to these, CELM may disclose information in accordance with said request.

CELM will rigorously manage the information of persons who have registered personal information, as well as all information ancillary to the same. CELM will occasionally renew the database of personal information on this site. CELM will take all possible precautions against unauthorized access from outside, and will ensure that there can be no leakage of information.

Changes to this Pledge

CELM may change the content of this Pledge from time to time. The content of such changes will be posted on this site for one month, after which it will be assumed that all owners of registered personal information have consented to the change. However, when the interests of third parties could be violated or in other unforeseen circumstances, the Pledge may be altered without the abovementioned period of notice.

Activated Your Protential
